Monday, November 9, 2009


At the moment we entered in the holy month of ramadhan, then by that let's always together increased taqwa to Allah in this life, especially in the holy month of ramadhan this, because in this month was contained inside some maghfirah and blessed as well as prayers then was granted by Allah. Because of that let's consolidated himself in undergoing these fast religious duties in a dedicated manner that was holy, so as to be able to experience wisdoms that were contained inside fully
Allah decreed in the holy scripture of Al Qur’an the letter of Al Baqarah:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
Meaning that: Oh faithful people were obliged on you all to fast as was obliged on people before you so that you godfearing. (QS. Al Baqarah: 183).

Therefore obligatory for each kind of Muslim that mukallaf to undergo the fast for the Ramadhan month, while being not feeble syar’i that permitted not the fast, because of having the person who said: “I not the fast because of the work to seek a living family”. This was not justified according to the religion and Islam islamic canon law. Because the Ramadhan fast was including harmonious Islam, then stayed obligatory for each kind of Muslim to undergo the Ramadhan fast, if being not feeble that was justified by the religion, like the Menstruation period namely the Haidh period and Nifas for women, when being sick and other.
Because of that free;useless for Muslims who lived this, he leaving the fast because Only looked for the life of the world, really the loss and was sorry for him supposing that they knew and experienced what was contained by wisdom fully and fadhilah in the Ramadhan month. Including Raslulullah SAW spoke:
Meaning that: supposing that my group knew that is understanding what was contained in the Ramadhan month, then they hoped for the rustling of the year to the Ramadhan month.
Meaning that: Because goodness was inside gathered and obedience was to be accepted, prayer - prayer was granted, sins were pardoned and heaven then yearned for them. This if his fast was filled up with pure and holy religious duties, like fasting prayers, read Al-Qur’an, did Shadaqah, i’tikaf and looked for knowledge, listened to religious talks as well as pengajian.
Was not the reverse, that is each day in the fast Only was filled up with the toy that not meaning that with the pretext look for or waited the night to break the fast, if like this his fast not the meaning for him. This was sent by Rasulullah SAW:
Meaning that: Several of many fasting people, not there is for his fast except the hungry feeling and thirsty”. Let's together experienced in part Ramadhan fast wisdom fully:
Because of that free;useless for Muslims who lived this, he leaving the fast because Only looked for the life of the world, really the loss and was sorry for him supposing that they knew and experienced what was contained by wisdom fully and fadhilah in the Ramadhan month. Including Raslulullah SAW spoke:
Meaning that: Who that gave ate his fast-breaking person received the reward like his reward that fasted that without reducing his reward that fasted at all. (HR. Turmudzi).
2. With the Rmadhan fast the spirit that could be believed that was responsible in a dedicated manner to Allah. Way of his realisation in this fast time during the day him our example entered the bathroom with the door was locked, not a single that was inside but we ourselves in the pond were full of water, whereas we at that time felt thirsty. Supposing that we drank the water did not have a pool that knew except Allah. Dengabn obedience and our obedience although how we did not drink, because of being not other because frightened to Allah only. Allah the most know on all of them. Because of that if this fast wisdom was experienced fully by us and was digested by us with amaliyah we every day, then did not have the dishonest person and corruption in his position, although clever and shrewd him in tactics and permaina him. He will not undertake him Karen atakut to Allah, as in the case of in undergoing these fast religious duties.
Rasulullah SAW utter :
Meaning that: the Heaven yearn for to 4 groups: (1) the Person who read Al Qur’an, read him with tartil in a tadarus manner or in praying moreover with understood meaning that. (2) the Person that guarded oral him, that is not speaking except well and truly, did not swear the other person, did not play one against the other that as a result caused dissension and the enmity. (3) the Person that gave ate the hungry person, that is he was expert sadaqah sincerely. (4) people who fasted in the Ramadhan month.
Therefore let's the contents of this Ramadhan month according to kosep hadits the SAW Prophet in part:
Meaning that: Who who visited the knowledge council in the Ramadhan month, then Allah recorded for him each step like religious duties one year and would with me under Arasy.
Meaning that: Who who was loyal to his two parents in the Ramadhan month or always pray for to his two parents who have died, then he will receive presence of Allah fully the blessing, and I that will lead in heaven. So many analyses in this sermon may our religious duties be accepted by Allah, and may we be given by the strength and the health of the body in order to be able to be perfect our religious duties amen ya rabbal alamin.


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