Let's together meningkatkantaqwa to Allah with actually and with diringi religious duties according to islamic canon law that was brought by him Rasulullah SAW was for the life contained the body. We stiil continued to undertake prayers religious duties, spent alms, the Ramadhan fast and undertook the Pilgrim's religious duties if we could, as well as was loyal to the two parents always did please-helped between the rustling and that was other. Will not be shy and very bored him to pursue knowledge and listen to pengajian-pengajian, religious talks, indications that were good for the sake of religious duties and got was willing Allah only.
Allah decreed in Al Qur’an the letter of Al An’am the article 162-163:
قُلْ إِنَّ صَلاتِي وَنُسُكِي وَمَحْيَايَ وَمَمَاتِي لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
لا شَرِيكَ لَهُ وَبِذَلِكَ أُمِرْتُ وَأَنَا أَوَّلُ الْمُسْلِمِينَ
Meaning that: For Instance! Actually prayed I, my religious duties, lived and died I only only to Allah Tuhan of the universe. Not the ally for him, and was like this so that was ordered to me and I was the person who firstly surrendered to Allah. (Q.S. Al An’am: 162-163).
In part himah-wisdom that was contained in Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad SAW was: The First Time Nabi Muhammad SAW was visited by the Angel Jibril and Mika’il USA and he in his chest operation that is operated on by the Angel Jibril and the heart him was washed with water zam-zam three times, after that were filled up with wisdom and faith. His understanding: This whether the heart of the Prophet Muhammad SAW was received the stain or the waste? “Not! ” once more not. The prophet Muhammad SAW was the person that maksum was awakened from the big and small sin.
However his wisdom was as the guidance and the model for humankind all of them, that his good and bad human steps not depended from strong him, pretty him, his rank, just like him, not! But depended by a clump of meat that was gotten in the human body that is HATI. Nabi Muhammad SAW spoke:
Meaning that: See that him in the body was gotten a lump of meat, if a lump of the meat was good, okay all the body, if ugly, then ugly all the body, remembered! That was the heart. ( expert agreement hadits).
Therefore the heart was as proektor that ordered to konop tuse him that is the brain (thoughts). The person could perform because of his heart a good service, the person could be charitable because his heart was contained by the characteristics of the philanthropist, tolerance, the pity, was the reverse greedy and bad. Because his heart was gloomy and greedy, the characteristics liked insulting, abused with ugly words, as insulting the person of religious duties, it was said as the beggar and the beggar. This showed their heart was pressed by the shadow devil and hsud, so as to come into being becoming su’ul the courtesy (ugly his nature and his moral). And they this necessary apparently always was given by the normal understanding, so that lest they getting the disaster from Allah that is cursed on the action and his statement personally.
Meaning that: Not that was named rich that because of much property, but that was acknowledged as rich in fact was generous (about his spirit). (HR. Muttafaq Alaih).
Second wisdom: the History recorded in medicine and Medical Treatment in a manner the human body operation, although in the Prophet's period Isa had the person's medical treatment was sick Brash that is sick the original spot, was sick blind, was sick deaf and sebai him, but medical treatment in a manner the operation was not yet available, but praise the Lord after the Prophet Muhammad SAW in Isra’ Mi’rajkan, the world was increasingly modern, then emerged medical treatment in a manner the operation and Medicine. Owing to wisdom from Isra’ Mi’raj Nabi big Muhammad SAW because of clear increasingly the increase in technology was not increasingly thin him faith, but increasingly thick him our faith to Allah and stable him our belief would Isra’ Mi’rajnya Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Prayers were the obligation that must be done by each kind of Muslim and Muslims 5 times a day overnight. Because of praying that a religious pole that must be maintained to each spirit of Muslim.Example had a Muslim and Muslims in doing his prayers only in passing, significant motiv the religion to his spirit was not erect and as a result he found it easy to be dragged to the chasm kemungkaran so as he underestimated the task and the obligation that were ordered by Allah and the Apostle him.
Allah gave doubt to that neglected and left prayers:
فَوَيْلٌ لِلْمُصَلِّينَ الَّذِينَ هُمْ عَنْ صَلاتِهِمْ سَاهُونَ
Meaning that: Fatal for the person who prayed, whichever they same neglected his prayers. (Q.S. Al Maa’uun: 4-5).
This was seen personally by Rasulullah SAW saw the person that was beating head him himself repeatedly. Rasulullah asked the Angel Jibril: the Picture of the person who did whether that? That was the picture of his torture the person who was lazy at doing prayers. Rasulullah SAW spoke:
Meaning that: Between someone and the infidel, was to leave prayers. (HR. Ahmad and Muslim).
However was the reverse his guarantee for the hard-working person did prayers right on time, everything with prayers gathered together. Then Allah guaranteed with Firman him that was scratched in the holy scripture of Al Qur’an:
قَدْ أَفْلَحَ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ الَّذِينَ هُمْ فِي صَلاتِهِمْ
Meaning that: Really happy for believers, that is them in praying him equally devout. (Q.S Al Mukminun: 1-2).
Then necessarily for each kind of Muslim, each believer always asked Allah in order to be not persuaded and terpedaya with the life of the world, but looked for property of the world was for religious duties provisions to Allah. And always paid attention to his prayers religious duties, his alms, his fast, and shadaqah him et cetera.
Because the Prophet Muhammad SAW spoke:
Meaning that: the Good Deed that the first time was calculated to someone the slave later on the doomsday day will be to pray, then if his prayers were good (true in carrying him out his harmonious condition) then okay all of his good deeds that was other, and if his prayers were broken, then broken all of his good deeds that were other. (HR. Imam Thabrani).
As our hope may religious duties pray we could perfect according to islamic canon law that was determined by the Islam religion and dietrima by Allah as well as brought wisdom that was big for our spirit, and always we expected may we be given hopefully will be successful and the good deed jariahkan to the development of the mosque, the prayer room, the poor et cetera with got was willing and inayah from Allah Rabbul Alamin.
Monday, November 9, 2009
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