Monday, November 9, 2009


Let's always increased taqwa to Allah SWT. With said the feeling thank heavens to him was upper all comfort that was given and increased religious duties and the service only only to Allah SWT. Along of let's always consolidated Faith and Taqwa we to Allah by increasing the awareness and the good deed that shaleh and increased the struggle in upholding Islamiyah preaching as well as carrying out the development fully got was willing from Allah SWT only. Because, our function as humankind, only in this life, was a provisions mission to return to hereafter nature with the subject of the aim of religious duties and served to Allah.

Allah decreed in the letter of Ar-Ra’du the article 36 :
Meaning that: For Instance (hi Muhammad) actually I has comand to perform religious duties to Allah and not menyekutukan some by him, to head Allah's road, I missionizing to you. And to Allah I came back.
With the article above that all the creatures, especially humankind especially the Prophet's group Muhammad SAW obligatory performed religious duties only to Allah Tuhan of the Lord, enamoured the most again the most humane , fully stable Faith, because believed definitely did not yet be Faith, but Faith was to have to have believed and covered all of them. Was based on Al Qur’an and Hadits Rasulullah SAW.
As for the definition of Faith was to be appointed, was consolidated in the heart, it was said orally, was stated with the charitable good deed of the action of the body member that shaleh according to Islam islamic canon law.
Therefore, we as Muslim, expectation we not only the world happiness, but rather from that we hoped for the hereafter happiness in the future. Therefore, many responsibility that must be carried out by us as educating our sons and daughters, especially in gave penddikan the religion. The Islam teaching invited to his group to pursue knowledge knowledge, but that was obligatory must be given precedence to was Taukhid knowledge, Fiqih knowledge, that is about ritual ablution, bathed, was as holy, prayed, the fast, alms and the pilgrim as well as other him and about moral education and moral that was good, so that our children always Birrul Walidain (was loyal to the two parents) and relatives of his family as well as honored to the other person. As being taught by Rasulullah SAW.
As for like chemical knowledge, medicine of mathematical knowledge, architecture knowledge, menutut him was his law fardhu kifayah.
Allah decreed in Al Qur’an: Meaning that: In fact your properties and your children of an ordeal, as for on the side Allah the big reward. Because of that we must know, that:
First: Obligatory we so that always paid attention to our children's education, his religious duties, prayed him, the behaviour lakun him, his moral and his association, because of religious education to the public's schools in SLTP, SLTA. Terdapat a week only one time only 2 lesson hours. How the children could understand better about the religion, because of the time in the school was so relative. Because of that they must was educated by us or was told by us to enter in the activity pengajian-pengajian available and always must hear pengajian-pengajian, and religious talks.
Secondly: Possibly happened for our children that his school entered the afternoon in the SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, SLTP, Tsanawiyah and all the rest. So as Ashar time still in the school, occasionally in the school was provided the place of prayers, but they the reason annti in the house, whereas arriving dirumah Ashar time has been finished, then such was often happened every day did not carry out Ashar prayers.
Then obligatory especially for parents in order to order his children that the afternoon school was better brought clothes prayed, like rukuh and all the rest, so that they really pay attention to prayers. This of Rasulullah SAW gave the guidance to us: Meaning that: the Person who was given by Allah the child's fortune, then obligatory for him gave teaching and good education.
Meaning that: Then whoever gave education and teaching to his child, then Allah gave fortune to him with his child's intercession. Meaning that: Who the person who left his child's education to the stupid person (that is not heeding education to his child, no matter what could the work looked for money) he will bear also his sin opposite Allah.
Because of that better be paid attention to by us and be followed by us the Islam conduct in education, the ban for parents to abuse and menguti I their children with dirty and ugly words, as a result later if the words exact was granted by Allah, then was his child as in the case of that it was said. In this way must parents gave the statement that was good towards his children with pray for to Allah.
Rasulullah SAW spoke:
Meaning that: Don’t you denounced yourself, don't you denounced your children, jangnlah you denounced your wealth, lest you coincided with during where Allah granted your statement request at that time. (HR. Imam Muslim and Jabir ra. )
Meaning that: Oh Lord! Make children us, our family, our relatives were classified as the good person and the scientist, don't we and they you made the group of the person who was lost. Amen.


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