Monday, November 9, 2009


At the time of now in the earth has developed various religions among them were Islam ,Kristen, hindu, budha,Shinto,,tao, and confu cius.Each the adherent of this religion said, that their religion that correctness .If so significant by chance in the field (the problem) this religion was banyak. Of course this was compatible with human logic .Sebab according to logic of truth humankind in one problem only one .impossible had two truths in one problem more than anything else many.because that was impossible also all these religions were benar.Ha him was one the religion that was true from all these religions .Which the true religion? This that will be looked for by us.

We must look for the true religion sebaba him was:
1.Karena humankind was the creature that the seeker of the truth
Endang Saifuddin Anshari MA. Mengatakan: Humankind was the creature thought. Thought about being to ask. Asked was to look for the answer. Looked for the answer was the truth. So humankind was the seeker's creature of the truth. Because of that humankind must look for the truth in the religion that will be embraced by him. If not meaning him disobeyed kemanusian him himself. Therefore Allah member the freedom to humankind to embrace a religion, so that human him was not stepped on.
Allah decreed:
وَقُلِ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ فَمَنْ شَاءَ فَلْيُؤْمِنْ وَمَنْ شَاءَ فَلْيَكْفُرْ
Meaning that: And for instance keberanan that from your the infinite, then whoever wanted him to be able to be faithful, and whoever wanted him might be was not faithful (S. Al-Kahfi: 29).
2. Because humankind must live in the truth.
Because of living in the truth so that will bring to bliss. Was living in the mistake will bring to the nervousness or not happy. The prophet Muhammad SAW said:
الاثم ما حا ك فى صد رك ( رواه مسلم )
Meaning that: the Mistake was what made your heart restless (HR.Muslim)
3. Because of the religion was cirri typical humankind. Allah said, that humankind that was not religious was as bad-bad the creature. As being decreed by him:
إِنَّ شَرَّ الدَّوَابِّ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا فَهُمْ لا يُؤْمِنُونَ
Meaning that: Actually that be as bad-bad the creature crawled according to Allah was people that the infidel, their reason did not want to be faithful (S. Al-Anfal: 55)
Because of that humankind must be religious. But also must the true religion. Because of that must be looked for by the true religion.
at the time of now to prove the truth of a religion just one the road that could be followed by humankind, yaiti through his holy scripture. This reason for the only inheritance that was still backward from virile-religion this.
therefore to know true aatau not him a religion then must with his holy scripture really from Allah or not. to prove the truth of a holy scripture from a religion of many roads that could be followed by humankind. But at the moment we will only prove the truth of our religious holy scripture, that is Al-Quran, by following three roads that is:
1. Allah's acknowledgment road personally.
Allah clearly stated, that Al-Quran was from him, as being decreed by him.
إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا عَلَيْكَ الْقُرْآنَ تَنْزِيلا
Meaning that: actually we that dropped Al-Qur'an to you off (S. Al-Insan: 23).
Afterwards Allah said, that the religion that was acknowledged and diridhoi him was Islam that berkitab holy Al-Quran, as being decreed by him:
إِنَّ الدِّينَ عِنْدَ اللَّهِ الإسْلامُ
Meaning that: Actually the religion that was acknowledged beside Allah is Islam (S. Al-Imran 19).
الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الإسْلام دِينًاَ

Meaning that: On This Day has I completing to you your religion and Has I making sufficient on you my comfort and has I ridhoi Islam as your religion (S. Al-Maidah: 3)
Because of that Allah said also, that agma-religion apart from Islam will not be accepted by him, sebagaiman was decreed by him:
وَمَنْ يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الإسْلامِ دِينًا فَلَنْ يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِي الآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
Meaning that: And anyone who searched virile apart from Islam. Then will not be accepted from him, while he in the hereafter including people who ran at a loss (S. Al- Imran: 85).
2. The road produced by the human research and compared with the other religion. Dr. Maurice Bucaille (from France) in his book of "LA Bible Le Qoran Et LA Science" (Bible Quran and Sain Modern) had a basis results of his research for approximately 20 years concluded:
A. About Bible (Taurat and Injil)
1) Bible not authentic (original) again
2) Bible, his history was unclear
3) Bible, his contents many that were compatible with the mind and sain.
B. About Al Quran
1) Al Quran was the God's pure revelation
2) Al Quran was still authentic (original)
3) Al Quran, his history was very clear
4) Al Quran did not contain a statement that could be criticised from the aspect of the scientific view in this modern time
5) in Al Quran the religion and science were always regarded as twins.
Because of that during 1972 he entered Islam. Originally he was religious Khatolik.
Dr. Syauki Fautaki (from Japan) with his 30 friends after discussing all the religions in the world while three years concluded also, that the true religion was Islam. Because of that they entered Islam all and developed Islam in Japan intensively very much.
In fact plenty of results of the human research about the truth of Al Quran that could be raised by us. But remembered the shortage of our time making sufficient so many then.
3. The road produced by the research with the computer.
Dr. Rasyad Khalifah a biochemical scholar from Egypt but lived and worked in the United States, after doing 63 trilium the calculation time towards certain matters from Al Quran with the computer, proved also, by chance Al Quran as Allah's revelation. Results of his calculation in part were as follows:
At first he counted the number of available letters in Basmallah. The amount had 19 letters. Afterwards he counted certain matters in Al Quran then he for with the figure 19 earlier, evidently all of them were completely shared with the figure 19 this. Here we telling several examples, that is:
A. The number of available letters in Al Quran was 114.
Then was divided with 19, then results were 6.
B. The number basmalah available in the beginning of each letter in Al Quran was 113. Because of having one letter that not in headed with basmallah that is the At Taubah letter. But in the An Naml letter was two basmallah, that is one in the beginning of the letter, and other to the article 30. Therefore the number basmallah in Al Quran was 114. If being divided with 19 certainly results were 6. Here has been seen something that was very astonishing.
C. In Al the Qoran had certain letters that in began with certain letters of also,like alif,lam,mim;ha'.lam,ra;ya,sin;nun;qaf and as him.If a letter was begun with certain letters mention,then all these letters that were gotten in this letter in add up ,maka definitely will be finished was divided with the figure 19 tadi,seperti:
- the Letter of Al Qolam that ddimulai with the letter nun,ternyata the letter nun available in this letter was 133,133: 19 = 7.
- the Letter yasin that was begun with the letter yes and sin. Evidently the letter yes and sin available in this letter was 285,285: 19 = 15.
- the Ar Ra'du Letter that was begun with the letter alif,lam,mim, and ra evidently the letter alif,lam,mim, and ra available in this letter was 1501. 1501: 19 = 79.
- the Qaf Letter that was begun with the Qaf letter, evidently the Qaf letter available in this letter was 57. 57: 19 of = 3.Di in this letter had again a miracle that was other that is: Usually Al the Qoran if mentioned koum the Prophet Luth used the term qau you Luth.Ada 12 times (the place) Al the Qoran used this term. But especially in the letter of Al Qaf this time mentioned koum this Luth Prophet of Al the Qoran did not use the normal term (qaumu Luth) ,but used the term ikhwanu Luuth.If in with also the term qau you Luuth ,maka the letter qaf available in this letter will become 58. Because of that will not be finished in for 19, Therefore to the letter qaf in this letter was finished in for with 19, then the term (qaumu Luuth) [is] changed with the term ikhwanu Luuth. How astonishing is is it possible that humankind could create the article that like that?
Therefore clear, that Al Quran really from Allah. Because of that the only true religion was ISLAM. Dan because that also the only religion that must be embraced by humankind was the ISLAM RELIGION.


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